

Fr. Leonard Mary: Finding Peace in Jesus

We are blessed today to have the opportunity to hear from Fr. Leonard Mary. Fr. Leonard's story is inspiring on many fronts, notably for those who may be discerning religious life. It was in the silence and...

Sara Flynn Hodge: A Voice for Faith, Family, Freedom

We are excited and blessed to launch our new interview series with Sara Flynn Hodge, Founder and CEO of the American Freedom Company and the Freedom Isn't Free Foundation. As you will discover below, Sara's values are deeply rooted...

What is a Doctor of the Church?

A Doctor of the Catholic Church is a title given to individuals who have made significant contributions to theology or doctrine. They are renowned for their depth of understanding, orthodoxy of doctrine, and their profound influence on the Church’s...

The 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church

A brief overview of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church: BAPTISM:The sacrament through which one becomes a member of the Church, cleansed from original sin, and initiated into the Christian faith. Water is used as a symbol of purification...

Do Catholics Read the Bible?

In the Catholic Mass, the Bible is profoundly intertwined throughout both the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist, forming the core of the celebration. In the Liturgy of the Word, several readings from the Old and...

The Seven Sorrows of the Virgin Mary

Imagine for a moment, the pain and suffering of losing your one and only child. Now, layer in elements of sheer brutality, mockery and injustice. Our Blessed Mother experienced indescribable suffering and sorrow related to her saying...

Decoding the Divine Mercy

The Divine Mercy image holds significant importance in Catholicism, particularly within the context of the devotion to the Divine Mercy as propagated by Saint Faustina Kowalska, a Polish nun. The history of the Divine Mercy image can be traced...

5 Ways Catholics Celebrate the Easter Season

The Easter liturgical season in the Catholic Church is one of the most important and joyous times of the liturgical year. It is a time of profound spiritual renewal and rejoicing for Catholics worldwide, as we celebrate the central...

The Top 5 Catholic Destinations to Visit

We all have our bucket list and dream vaca's. But perhaps a Catholic pilgrimage is in your future? The below 5 pilgrimage destinations offer unique spiritual experiences and historical significance for Catholics seeking a deeper connection with...

Tracking Five Incorruptible Saints

The Catholic faith is rich with saints whose lives exemplify unwavering devotion, piety, and miracles. Among these, the phenomenon of incorruptible saints stands out as a captivating and mysterious aspect of spiritual devotion. In this article, we will explore...

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