The Key Messages of Fatima

đź“ż Mary asked the children to pray the Rosary every day to bring peace to the world and to end World War I. The Rosary is emphasized as a powerful weapon against sin and for the conversion of sinners. đź“ż Mary called for personal devotion to her Immaculate Heart as a way to bring souls…

5 Teachings of Jesus Christ

1. The Greatest Commandment: Love God and Neighbor:“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the…


What Is Transubstantiation?

As Catholics, perhaps there is no more important word in our vocabulary than transubstantiation. Do you use it? Do you know it? For certain, it’s not a word that we use often in everyday language, but transubstantiation is powerful and central to our faith. What is Transubstantiation? According to the USCCB, “Since the Middle Ages,…

5 Teachings from the Catechism

1. The Nature of Purgatory (CCC 1030-1032): Many people are aware of the existence of Purgatory but may not fully understand its purpose. The Catechism teaches that Purgatory is not a place of punishment but a state of purification for those who die in God’s grace but still need to be purified of venial sins…

4 Steps to Creating a Catholic Prayer Plan

#1. Prioritize & FocusIt all starts with “the why”. Is there anything more important than God? This is the question as you work to prioritize and focus on your prayer plan. The world loves to distract us. Don’t allow it. Start with the why, Prioritize God and Focus. Without starting here, everything else falls apart.…

5 Apparitions of Our Lady

#1. Our Lady of Guadalupe (1531) Location: Tepeyac Hill, near Mexico City, Mexico Seer: Juan Diego Description: The Virgin Mary appeared to Juan Diego, an indigenous peasant, requesting a shrine to be built in her honor. She provided him with miraculous signs, including the imprint of her image on his tilma (cloak), which is now…