You do not have to search far to know that our world is broken and weary. Just turn on your device or step out your door. We are imperfect people in an imperfect world. And yet, the Christmas Light of Christ still shines bright, only dimming if we turn ourselves away from it.
Indeed, this world is not our home. Is it comforting to know that our world is not any less broken than it was 100 years ago, 1,000 years ago, 2,000 years ago? There has certainly been a decline in our traditional faith structures and overall morality which is concerning. But there is no question, the world is inherently fallen. We are not in heaven, obviously! Yet, on this Christmas, the Light of Christ shines forth and marches on. We are reminded to Fall on our Knees. That Our Savior is not some sort of celebrity or idea. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life to our eternal Salvation. He is our creator and the light of the world.